Wednesday, October 17, 2007

# 11 Library thing

I have opened a Library thing acccount. I have added 5 books that I have enjoyed. Have a peek...

#10 Image Generators

Here is a picture producd on FDToys, hope you like it. It was fun to experiment with some of what these image generators can offer, much more for me to learn though...

Friday, October 12, 2007

#8 RSS and Newsfeeds

I have set up a blogline account and chosen some interesting sites. I can see that this will save a lot of time, rather than searching each site individually. I am all for time saving!
I think this system could be useful within the library. The library website could include a popular topic, perhaps requested by the borrowers and any relevant sites could be added. All borrowers could then access this information rather than possibly over a period of time, the same topic being requested and searched for, time and time again.

Friday, October 5, 2007

#7 Blogging about technology

What would my life be without my mobile phone! Contacting my family here in Australia and on the other side of the world in an instant and sending pictures is great. I often wonder how people who made the same move to Australia years ago coped! They would have taken months to get here by sea and the only way to communicate with their family was via the good old written letter, a reply taking months! Advances in technology through email and the relatively "old fashioned" telephone are also dependable ways in which you can keep in touch whilst moving around the world.