Tuesday, December 11, 2007

#23 Is this the end or just the beginning....

At last! Better late than never I guess. I have finally got to #23!!!!!
This learning 2.0 journey experience has opened my eyes to what is available out there in cyberspace! I can see that access to all that is on offer on the net, is the way of the future and the way forward within Libraries. My job is to keep up with it, as it will always move on......

#22 Audiobooks

I have looked at eAudiobooks and some of the titles. I can see this being very useful for borrowers with having access to so many free downloads. The above link showing the historical children's books was interesting.

Monday, December 10, 2007

#21 Podcasts

I have looked at http://www.podcast.net/ and have added the link above to a free download audio story for kids. This could really open up the accessibility to more talking books. Also using podcasts is a great way for borrowers to listen to book reviews and poetry.

#19 & 20 Discovering Web 2.0 tools and YouTube

Here is a link to Rhianna's Umbrella from YouTube - one of my fav's. I found You Tube on the list of Web 2.0 Awards http://www.seomoz.org/web2.0/. There are so many useful sites listed on the awards that could be useful to the Library.
http://upcoming.yahoo.com/ Another useful link for use in the Library for keeping track of events and new events in your area and the country.

#18 Web based Apps

I have set up an account on Zoho writer and can see how this would be great for someone who travels the world. They can put on their Resume and then be able to access it from anywhere in the world to help them aquire a job. A great idea!

#16 & #17 Wiki's

I have had a look at BookLovers Wiki. I can see how this could be useful within the Library as any borrower could access a book review and pass on their own comments. I can see the benefits of wiki's for community groups, as they could continually update and add information. I have added my Blog to PBwiki's favourite page.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

#15 Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

I have read the Five Perspectives from the eOCLC Next Space Newsletter - very interesting.
I found "Away from Icebergs" particularly interesting, it helped me to start putting all the "pieces of the jigsaw" from my e learning together, enabling the picture as a whole to start emerging.
Surfing the web has already made searching for information so much easier for so many people. The next generation web libraries will create a "worlds your oyster" type of learning enviroment. I can see that it's no longer just sites and search engines, but it's now becoming a shared network space. It seems the skies the limit to what you can find out about, which is great for entertainment and social activites.
I can also see the potential benefit of shared network space for education and research, although the information would need to come from reliable, validated resources eg. universities, journals etc., to be of any useful significance.
I can see the need to look ahead to the future generations and to meet their needs. I can also see the need to still provide the Library 1.0 commodity, to work hand in hand with Library 2.0, 3.0 & 4.0, so as to meet the entire needs of the community.

#14 Technorati


Well I have been into Technorati and found the above on the popular blog, very moving...

There seems to be so many ways to access other blogs, sites and setting up a site to look for the sites you want. It seems so huge - is there anything you can't do????

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

#13 Tagging

Ahh, that's better, I feel my enthusiam is back again for this e learning after having a go at del.icio.us!! I have signed up to del.icio.us and added some sites. I will be adding more and I can see how useful and time saving this will be....GREAT!
I can also see how this would be very useful on the front counter of the library on searching popular subjects for the borrowers.

#12 Rollyo

I have opened a Rollyo account, but I have hit a bit of a "slow down" patch with this e learning, as I don't find it particularly user friendly! I haven't given up and I am in the process of asking colleagues to gain a better understanding.....

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

# 11 Library thing

I have opened a Library thing acccount. I have added 5 books that I have enjoyed. Have a peek...


#10 Image Generators

Here is a picture producd on FDToys, hope you like it. It was fun to experiment with some of what these image generators can offer, much more for me to learn though...


Friday, October 12, 2007

#8 RSS and Newsfeeds

I have set up a blogline account and chosen some interesting sites. I can see that this will save a lot of time, rather than searching each site individually. I am all for time saving!
I think this system could be useful within the library. The library website could include a popular topic, perhaps requested by the borrowers and any relevant sites could be added. All borrowers could then access this information rather than possibly over a period of time, the same topic being requested and searched for, time and time again.

Friday, October 5, 2007

#7 Blogging about technology

What would my life be without my mobile phone! Contacting my family here in Australia and on the other side of the world in an instant and sending pictures is great. I often wonder how people who made the same move to Australia years ago coped! They would have taken months to get here by sea and the only way to communicate with their family was via the good old written letter, a reply taking months! Advances in technology through email and the relatively "old fashioned" telephone are also dependable ways in which you can keep in touch whilst moving around the world.

Friday, September 28, 2007

My creation

My creation
Originally uploaded by peacock_f
I have used the Flickr Toys to create this.
I have posted a picture from Flickr to my blog and I also have one on my Flickr account. Initially I was quite excited, looking at the photo's on Flickr, particularly the ones of places in the UK where I used to live. I was then a bit disappointed to discover that you need to be friends with the owners of the photos to be able to use them. I still have much to learn about the usage of Flickr, but I think I will get there...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Tree on the Yarra

Tree on the Yarra
Originally uploaded by febee24
Here is a picture from Flickr to my blog...more to follow

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Oh and I added some some text....
Thought I'd add an Aussie pic too, hope you like it. So far so good with this blogging! Bring on week 3 !!!!!! It's been fun working out who each blog belongs to...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007